Castor Oil Pack Instructions
Gather Necessary Items
To make a castor oil pack you'll need castor oil, a flannel square of about 12 inches by 12 inches, some plastic wrap, towels, a hot water bottle and something to warm up the castor oil pack, such as a microwave. Castor oil is readily available and can be purchased either online or at a health food store. Packaged castor oil packs are sometimes available for purchase.
Make the Pack
To make the pack, you will want to saturate the piece of flannel in castor oil. This is most easily done by using a mixing bowl into which you have poured some castor oil. Place the flannel in the bowl. Be sure to completely wet the flannel to the point it is saturated. At this time, you may want to warm the pack in the microwave for about a minute and a half.
Using the Pack
Let the castor oil pack cool off slightly and then place it on the desired area of the body you want to treat. It is best to lie down for this. You might want to cover the area you are lying on with a towel to contain any dripping from the castor oil pack.
Cover the flannel with plastic wrap. If desired you can then cover the plastic wrap with a hot water bottle or heating pad to keep the pack warm. Again, cover yourself with a towel and relax for at least 30 minutes to get the beneficial effects of the castor oil pack. Once the pack has cooled, remove the pack and place in a plastic bag, put in the refrigerator and save for later use. You might want to lightly resaturate the flannel after several uses for optimal results.