Holistic Cures for Herpes
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, studies on the effectiveness of lysine have been mixed, but some have shown that it reduces recurring outbreaks of cold sores and, to a lesser extent, genital herpes. Also, lysine shortens the duration of the outbreak. Take 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams daily and/or increase consumption of foods like fish, chicken, eggs, and potatoes. People with high cholesterol, heart disease, or high blood levels of triglycerides should not use this supplement.
A study led by M. Huleihel on propolis, which was published in a 2002 Israel Medical Association Journal, found that this resin made by bees kept both HSV-1 and 2 from multiplying. This information was used to test a propolis ointment against Zovirax, a commonly prescribed topical agent to treat herpes and those who use the propolis ointment experienced faster healing times.
Zinc has also demonstrated ability to stop the virus. A study led by HR Godfrey that was published in a 2001 edition of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine tested a zinc oxide cream against a placebo. Sores treated with zinc healed faster.
Herbal Treatments
A study led by BK Vogler that was published in a 1999 edition of the British Journal of General Practice observed that aloe gel relieved symptoms of genital herpes in men. They experienced faster healing times than those using a placebo. It potentially has the same benefit for cold sores but it has not been studied.
A six-month study of 93 people taking Siberian ginseng found that this herb effectively reduced the frequency, severity, and length of outbreaks. Do not use this herb if you have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, narcolepsy or are pregnant or nursing. This study was published in a 1999 edition of the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Based on reviews of journal articles and other literature regarding natural medicine, the University of Maryland Medical Center also suggests the following herbal treatments for herpes.
Lemon balm has been the subject of several studies and used topically, it can start to heal cold sores in as little as two days. A Swiss study compared rhubarb cream with Zovirax and observed they were equally effective. Peppermint oil has strong anti-viral properties and in test tubes, it was effective against the herpes virus.
Hypnosis has shown positive results as a form of treatment for many conditions. A study led by PA Fox which was published in the International Journal of STD and AIDS tested hypnotherapy on those with genital herpes with positive results. Participants took part in a six-week training program; results included a 50 percent decrease in outbreaks, and improved mood.