Home Remedies to Treat Bad Breath
Make a gargle out of dried pomegranate skin. Dry the peel in the sun, then put the dried peel in water, and boil it. Let the gargle water cool, and use it daily to gargle. You can also grind the dried peel into a fine powder, take three grams, and add it to water and drink this mixture twice a day.
Dried Coriander Leaves
If you have eaten something that had garlic or onion as one of the ingredients, chew dried coriander leaves. This will temporarily remove offensive odors from your mouth.
Ginger-Lemon-Juice Gargle
Pour one tsp. of lemon juice and one tsp. of ginger into a glass of warm water. Stir and gargle with this solution at least once daily. This gargle is said to be effective.
Stay hydrated by drinking water every day. Your breath will get bad when your mouth dries out. This happens when you become dehydrated, so try to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
Brush and Floss Daily
Brush and floss your teeth at least twice daily. Use a tongue scraper to scrape your tongue free of odor-causing food particles that remain there. Use a good alcohol-free mouthwash. If any food is stuck in between your teeth, remove it carefully with a toothpick. Use breath mints or spearmint candies to stimulate the production of saliva and prevent bad breath.
Plain Yogurt
Eating plain (no fruit added) yogurt for six weeks will help to reduce compounds in your mouth that contribute to offensive breath.
Fennel Tea
Fennel tea contains polyphenols that slow the growth of the bacteria that are responsible for bad breath as well as the malodorous compounds that the bacteria produce.
Change Your Mouthwash
If you are using a mouthwash that contains alcohol, switch to a mouthwash that contains cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorine dioxide, zinc or sodium chlorite that helps to kill and control the levels of bacteria in your mouth.
Eating cranberries will help you to fight the bacteria and their bad-smelling compounds that build in your mouth and cause bad breath.