Seasickness Remedy
Take ginger root (1 to 4 grams) 12 to 24 hours before leaving shore. This herb soothes nausea; pregnant women who suffer morning sickness find relief taking ginger. Ginger ale also can help to reduce nausea when you are on a boat. Try teaming the ginger ale with saltine crackers to stop nausea.
Over the counter (OTC) medications such as Dramamine can help reduce your seasickness. Antihistamines such as Benadryl can also help. These medications help by dilating blood vessels in your inner ear. This seems to dull the effects of the motion of the ship on your inner ear. (Seasickness stems from the balance center in the inner ear. The brain receives signals from your eyes, which don't agree with the signals coming from your inner ear. When these signals don't agree, seasickness or motion sickness can result).
Vitamotion, an over-the-counter medication which contains Vitamin B6, dimenhydrinate and ginger, is a spray. People susceptible to motion sickness or seasickness spray this into their mouths. Capillaries in the mouth take the medication into the blood stream almost immediately. Because this product contains ginger, it will work on your stomach and help to reduce the nausea of seasickness.
Queasy Drops
Queasy Drops were originally formulated for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness. These nausea-quelling lollipops and lozenges, called Preggie Pops, contain herbs which help relieve nausea. Each Preggie Pop or Queasy Drop is made with its own essential oil (lavender, ginger or mint). Available flavors include cinnamon, papaya, sour lemon, ginger, cola, peppermint, green tea with lemon and green apple.
These drops are available in adult and children's sizes as lollipops and lozenges. The manufacturer (Three Lollies) recommends you take the first Queasy Drop before leaving the dock and then sucking on more throughout the day. There is no danger that you will overdose on these drops as the amount of essential oil added is very small. You may need to experiment with the different flavors to see which one works best for you.