Carpal Tunnel Treatments at Home
Topical Herbal Treatments
There are many topical herbal treatments that can relieve pain and inflammation. These can be applied to the painful areas as needed.
Arnica is perhaps the best known topical herb for pain relief. Cayenne in the form of capsaicin cream is also useful for fighting pain. Wintergreen oil not only fights pain but also improves circulation. Experiment and see which one is most effective. Chapparal or osha used as a hand bath provides long-term relief. This should only be used once a month
Internal Herbal Treatments
Many herbal supplements have potent anti-inflammatory properties and can also relieve pain and swelling. Since many of these herbs treat similar symptoms, it is not necessary to take all of them.
Cat's claw relieves inflammation; take 20 mg three times a day. Turmeric is a potent pain reliever and anti-inflammatory; take 300 mg three times a day. Bromelain improves circulation and alleviates pain and swelling. Take 750 mg twice a day. Devil's claw relieves pain; take 2,500 mg three times daily. Butcher's broom stops swelling and is especially useful for people who are performing repetitive motions. Take 100 mg daily.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, there is not a lot of published research detailing how homeopathic remedies fare against carpal tunnel syndrome. They provide a list of treatments that are commonly used by homeopaths. Take as directed on the product label.
Apis mellifica alleviates red, swollen or hot joints. Arnica montana treats the soreness and aching in the hands caused by overuse. Guaiacum is best used for carpal tunnel syndrome that responds well to cold treatment applications.
Foods high in oxalic acid can worsen joint problems. These include asparagus, beets, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, eggs, fish, mustard greens, parsley, rhubarb, spinach and Swiss chard. Reduce salt intake; it encourages water retention which can aggravate carpal tunnel.
The National Institutes of Health conducted a review of studies on the use of acupuncture for this condition and concluded it can provide benefit. The studies found that this treatment normalized nerve function and provided long-term pain relief of this condition. Acupuncturists follow a course of treatment based on the individual person and focus on parts of the body where energy blockages manifest as particular conditions. For carpal tunnel syndrome, they will concentrate on the liver, gallbladder and kidney meridians.
Other Suggestions
The Mayo Clinic suggests the following to help deal with this condition. Wear a wrist splint during sleep and avoid sleeping on your hands. Yoga poses that focus on the upper body can reduce pain and improve grip. Supplementing with vitamin B6 can reduce swelling. Take as directed on the product label.