Essential Oil Guide
Medicinal Use
Certain essential oils are often used to alleviate aches and pains in the body when mixed with a carrier oil for massage. Lavender, eucalyptus, and other camphor-like oils are the most common among oils for muscle pain. Other medicinal applications call for the use of tinctures. To make an essential oil tincture, snip the blossoms, leaves and stems of your plant of choice and add the clippings to a jar of 180 proof pure grain alcohol. Combine certain medicinal herbs such as echinacea, black cohosh and ginger to create a PMS-treating concoction. Echinacea boosts the immune system and black cohosh is very popular in feminine herbal treatments. The ginger in the tincture works as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory. For a potent tincture fill a pint-sized jar to the top with plant material, and only a quarter full of grain alcohol.
Most essential oils produce highly desirable scents when combined. Use an oil burner and fill the reservoir with two drops of essential oil of jasmine, with one drop of essential oil of orange. Heat the mixture and it will produce an exotic and uplifting scent that will improve the mood of your environment. Mix three drops of essential oil of cedar with one drop of essential oil of bergamot to create a masculine scent. Add the oils to a sachet full of sea salt and place in a man's underwear drawer.
Cosmetic Use
Essential oils are often put in commercial bath and beauty products like shampoos, lip balms and perfumes. Carefully melt a mixture of one cup of natural beeswax pellets with a quarter-cup of vitamin E oil. Add two drops of Tea Tree oil with one drop of essential oil of rose hip and two drops of essential oil of camphor. Mix in one teaspoon of organic honey and thoroughly mix the melting wax and oil. Spoon the concoction into empty lip balm tubes that can be found in craft stores and refrigerate for 24 hours. The end result is a smooth and naturally soothing lip balm.