Natural Cures for Hodgkins Lymphoma

Hodgkins lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph tissue which stores most of the body's immune function. Lymph tissue is organized into lymph nodes in various parts of the body. The cancer most commonly strikes young boys and older men. There are natural treatments that can help with this condition, but it is important to use them in conjunction with standard cancer treatments. Always be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any supplements. The herbs listed here should only be used by adults.
  1. Herbal Treatments

    • Astragalus stimulates T-cells, which are the immune cells responsible for fighting off infection and harmful effects from bacteria, viruses and cancerous cells. Take 1,000 mg three times daily. Do not use astragalus if you have a fever or a skin infection.
      Siberian ginseng increases T-cell production and activity. Take it in the form of eleutherococcus extract as directed on the label.
      There are two Chinese medicinal formulas that are commonly used to treat this form of cancer. Capital Chi Pill helps deal with many of the issues caused by Hodgkins lymphoma, such as shortness of breath, soreness and weakness in the lower back, light-headedness, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hearing loss. Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan) relieves bone pain that often accompanies this cancer.

    Other Suggestions

    • Do not take vitamin C in the sodium ascorbate form. A study published in a 1979 edition of the "Scottish Medical Journal" found that this form caused a flare-up of symptoms. Acerola, a natural form of vitamin C, does not have this effect. Take it as directed on the label.
      Avoid ham and liver. A study published in the March 1990 edition of "Nutrition and Cancer" found that these meats worsened symptoms of the disease.
      There is an active protein, called thymopoietin, in beef spleen that can reduce the loss of immune defenses during chemotherapy. A common brand is Golden Spleen 500, made by Enzymatic Therapy.

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