Colloidal Silver for MRSA Cure
Colloidal Silver Effective Against MRSA
EMSL Analytical, one of the leaders in environmental laboratory testing, tested colloidal silver on the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, bacteria. The colloidal silver was tested at 20 ppm and 75 ppm in a 1% and 10% solution. By 24 hours, all solutions had reduced the MRSA to below the level of detection.
Nanoparticles in Solution
Colloidal silver is growing in popularity as an alternative remedy for many health issues. The quality of the colloidal silver is an important factor in its effectiveness. Colloidal silver has been used for over 100 years as an antibacterial and is used allopathically in hospitals for burns. Silver ions, however, are not colloidal silver. An ion is a silver atom that is missing one electron, giving it a positive charge. These ions need water to stay in solution. When ingested, silver ions combine with chlorine to form silver chloride in the body. The silver chloride is then filtered through the kidneys and eliminated. Very little silver stays in the body. Colloidal silver uses nanoparticles of silver that will enter the bloodstream and, in theory, kill pathogens, according to Francis Kay of the Colloidal Science Laboratory.
Argyria is a condition that happens when a person who is in contact with or ingests silver salts (for example, silver chloride) for a prolonged period. According to WebMD, there is some suggestion that a person's susceptibility to argyria is genetic. Silver workers, people who make artificial pearls and people who ingest large quantities of colloidal silver can get argyria. Argyria turns the skin a bluish-gray color and is irreversible. Highly concentrated ionic silver may cause argyria in a solution of over 100 ppm.
Ions, Particles or Protein
There is much controversy about colloidal silver and much misleading and confusing information. Ionic silver is clear in color and is produced through electrolysis. It is not colloidal silver. There is some controversy about its effectiveness, and whether it can actually stay active In the body. Francis Kay of the Colloidal Science Laboratory has questioned if enough ionic silver enters the bloodstream to be effective in killing pathogens. Mild silver protein is silver particles suspended in a polymer. The polymer is usually gelatin or casein, which are both proteins. There is some question about the safety of these suspensions, because bacteria can live in the protein chains. Nanoparticle colloidal silver is colloidal silver suspended in water. It is an amber color due to the particles in suspension.