Herbal Treatment for AIDS
Herbal Treatments
Aloe juice soothes the digestive tract lining, increasing absorption of nutrients. Take one-fourth cup twice a day. Andrographis decreases viral load and increases T-cell counts. T-cells orchestrate the immune system response to harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Take tablets as directed on the label. Astragalus stimulates T-cells and prevents strep infections. Take 1,000 milligrams three times a day. Epimedium stimulates testosterone production and helps stop muscle wasting. See a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for form and dosage. Saw palmetto also helps with this. Take 320 milligrams twice daily between meals. Licorice increases T-cell counts and keeps immune function intact. Be sure to take a potassium supplement as directed on the label or eat potassium rich foods like bananas and citrus juices while using this herb. Be sure to use the glycyrrhizin form tablets. Take 75 milligrams daily. Use for six weeks at a time with 2 weeks break in between. Maitake is toxic to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS and keeps it from entering cells. Take Maitake-D as directed on the label. Prunella tea prevents HIV from entering and binding to T-cells. Drink one tbsp. in one cup of water three times a day between meals. St. John's Wort contains substances that stop retroviral infections. Shitake decreases the viral load by stopping cell to cell transmission of the virus. Take in powder or capsule form as directed on the label.
Do not use aloe vera juice if suffering from diarrhea. Do not use astragalus if fever or skin infection is present. Those with prostate disorders should not use epimedium. Avoid licorice if you have glaucoma, high blood pressure or any estrogen- dependent disorders like breast cancer, endometriosis, or fibrocystic breasts. Do not use prunella if you have diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Stay away from St.John's Wort if you are taking antidepressants.
Other Suggestions
Take 150 milligrams of lipoic acid daily. It fights toxic free radicals and inhibits the destruction action of T-suppressor cells, which inhibit the immune system's ability to fight off infection. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to prevent kidney problems, especially if you are taking Crixivan. During cold and flu season, the herb scutelleria can prevent viral infections. Take 2,000 mg three times a day. Take 200 mg of glutamine daily along with vitamin C as directed on the label. Glutamine is essential for the production of glutathione (GSH), the body's key free radical fighter. Vitamin C is a GSH cofactor, which is a substance that makes it more effective.