The Best Way to Treat a Sore Throat
Causes of a Sore Throat
Causes of a sore throat can include viruses, flu and sinus drainage. Bacteria, such as the type that causes strep, can contribute and cause other symptoms as well. Breathing through the mouth can also cause the throat to dry out, resulting in painful soreness.
Generally a sore throat is nonthreatening and can be allowed to run its course over a few days to a couple of weeks using simple at-home remedies to treat the symptoms. However, for some viruses and bacteria, or a sore throat lasting more than two weeks, medical treatment may be needed to cure the cause of the symptoms.
Easy Remedies
Preventing dehydration is key, as the throat needs to stay properly lubricated at all times to avoid soreness. Besides this, there are many easy, at-home remedies that can be used to treat the pain and symptoms of a sore throat.
Throat sprays and lozenges can provide relief for a few hours and can be bought at most drug and grocery stores. There are also nasal sprays that may aid in relieving sinus drainage that may be causing the sore throat symptoms.
Gargling with one tsp. of saltwater every hour may help relieve swelling and discomfort.
Use a vaporizer or humidifier, which may help symptoms by moistening the throat and nasal passages. If you do not have a vaporizer or humidifier, use a shallow pan of water to provide moisture in the air through evaporation.
Take two over-the-counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help control the pain.
Do not smoke or use other tobacco products, as this can further irritate the throat.
Mix a cup of warm water with two tsp. honey and lemon juice, and sip.
Take plenty of vitamin C and zinc. Both will boost your immune system, and zinc will help the symptoms clear up faster.
Many remedies also involve the use of cayenne powder or chili pepper ground and mixed in with one tsp. of water and gargled every hour. This has also been known to aid in clearing the pain faster.