Natures Cure for Peeling Skin
Peeling Skin Causes
A primary cause of peeling of the skin is when a person gets sunburn after excessive sun exposure. Sunburn causes the epidermis, the first layer of skin, to burn and to blister. When the skin blisters, fluids accumulate underneath the skin during the natural healing process and the blistering eventually dries out underneath the small skin bubbles that form. The excess skin that remains begins to peel off over time.
Poor hydration can also cause your epidermis to peel; if you don't get enough water intake, your skin can dry out, crack and take on a scaly appearance. Later, the cracked skin will begin to peel and will appear unsightly. A lack of skin hydration can also occur if you do not use moisturizers on a regular basis: soaps contain lye which is drying to the skin and can later cause the skin to become itchy and dried out. The end result is that your skin begins to peel. Getting adequate water intake daily can reduce issues with peeling skin.
Peeling Skin Syndrome
Sometimes hereditary conditions are the source for peeling skin. A condition identified as Peeling Skin Syndrome can be inherited: the condition results in constant and spontaneous peeling of the skin, itchiness and a reddening of the skin. Unlike other causes for peeling skin, this condition is ongoing. Peeling of the skin is significant in the regions of the feet and hands. The peeling of the skin when related to this condition is not associated with pain.
Peeling Skin Treatments
Cucumbers can be used to naturally treat peeling skin conditions. Cucumber can be ground up in a food processor or pressed in a juicer and applied to the skin topically to alleviate painful skin conditions. Cucumbers are excellent for peeling skin, dry skin and other skin conditions, because it leaves the skin feeling refreshed. Cucumbers can be used on a daily basis to maintain adequate skin moisture.
Mint is beneficial for treating skin conditions, including peeling skin. The plant offers a calming feeling. When made into an oil or used as a juice the herb helps to moisturize the skin and keeps it refreshed and rejuvenated. Mint has a pleasant scent and it serves as a splendid remedy for dry skin, dermatitis, and eczema. The juice or mint oil can be applied topically once every evening to diminish issues with peeling skin.
Aloe has long been revered as a natural remedy for burns and for rapid healing of sunburn. Aloe can be used directly from the plant; a part of the plant can be broken off and the gel substances can be directly applied to burned and peeling skin to promote healing. Aloe has antibacterial properties that encourage prompt healing and the gel can be applied to the body two to three times a day.