Ulcer Home Treatment
There are several causes of peptic ulcers. These include: too much alcohol and coffee, high acid content in the stomach, smoking, food poisoning, eating too much spicy food, overeating or the presence of the H. pylori bacteria, which is most often the cause of ulcers.
Burning pain caused by the ulcer and aggravated by stomach touching the ulcerated area is the most common type of pain. It can be felt from the navel to the breastbone. Pain can last for a few minutes to several hours. It may be worse when the stomach is empty or flare up at night. The pain also may disappear before returning in a few days or a few weeks. Ulcers may also cause nausea, vomiting, blood in stools, vomiting of blood, weight loss or appetite changes.
There is no shortage of home remedies to help calm ulcers. It's a good idea to quit smoking, avoid alcohol, control acid reflux if you have it and limit the use of certain pain relievers that can aggravate the ulcer.
One of the most commonly suggested home remedies is banana. Eat three bananas a day when the ulcer is acting up or make a banana shake to drink. Another is raw cabbage. Juice the cabbage, adding other vegetables to improve the taste. Another option is to take 500 milligrams of glutamine, which is the active compound in cabbage, three times daily.
Try licorice. Licorice helps reinforce the protective lining of the stomach. Be careful, as extended use of licorice can raise blood pressure. One teaspoon of olive oil, three times daily, is also an option. Ginger, which contains antibacterial compounds, is another home remedy to try. Honey-candied ginger is the best way to take this, as the honey also has antibacterial properties.
Cats Claw has anti-inflammatory qualities that help sooth tissues affected by ulcers. Take it in capsule form if freeze-dried, atomized or micropulverized at the amount of 300 milligrams twice daily. If pulverized, take 1500 milligrams twice daily, recommends the Home Remedy Reference Center.
Raw goat's milk is often recommended to help ulcers. Drink the milk every day. Drinking almond milk can also be beneficial. This milk binds the excess acid in the stomach and is a good source of protein.