Mineral Oil Treatments
Mineral oil is a completely natural laxative. When prescribed by a physician, drinking mineral oil can aid in constipation relief. The National MS Society asserts that "it encourages bowel movements by coating the bowel and the stool with a waterproof film that helps to retain moisture in the stool". During treatment, it's important to avoid food within two hours of consumption as well as additional stool softeners. If pregnant, do not use mineral oil since this may cause internal bleeding from its absorption of crucial nutrients. Prolonged use may result in complications, unless directed by a doctor.
Skin Inflammation
Mineral oil treatment of the skin does not involve ingestion and is therefore, much safer. Baby oil is essentially mineral oil with added fragrance, and it aids in relief from inflammation resulting from diaper rash. Mild eczema also can benefit from the use of mineral oil because it reduces swelling and redness. In extremely rare cases, mineral oil can worsen acne, but most people will find that it neither causes nor worsens their condition but rather improves it.
Ear Cleaning
Mineral oil, when applied in small quantities, can help clean the insides of ears. The oil plays a hand in softening the wax, thereby making cleaning much easier. The University of Virginia Health System has found that "cleaning the ear can cause problems by pushing the ear wax deeper into the ear canal and against the eardrum. However, sometimes wax can accumulate excessively, resulting in a blocked ear canal," in which case it's necessary to consult a physician, who may either prescribe ear drops or mineral oil to unblock it. Mineral oil can also aid in removing small insects from ears. The oil drowns the insect, enabling it to be properly flushed out.
Cosmetic Moisturizer
Mineral oil is a popular ingredient in many cosmetics. Although speculation has existed over whether mineral oil is harmful to one's skin or leads to breakouts, a study conducted by Pharma Cosmetic Research of Virginia found this to be false. In fact, they pointed out that "mineral oil is considered one of the safest and most natural skin moisturizers known to man, and is also one of the oldest basic cosmetic ingredients--having been used since early Roman times." Cosmetic companies today continue to use mineral oils in their products as a natural moisturizer.
Where to Buy
Mineral oil can be found in most drugstores as well as the Internet. Bottles come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 4.5 to 16 ounces and are inexpensive.