How Long Can You Use a Neti Pot?
Neti pots are used for sinus irrigation and stem from a cleansing method of the Hatha Yoga custom practiced in India. Within the Hindu yoga tradition, the neti pot is used each morning as a part of regular routine preparing for the day, just like washing your face or brushing your teeth. There are two techniques for using the pot, sideways and backward. The sideways technique is more common.
Neti pots are believed to assist in clearing the nasal cavities when exposed to certain allergens, and are frequently used after or during a cold affecting the sinus cavity. There is not a specified time frame designating how long to use the neti pot. Many people subscribe to the use of the neti-pot to maintain overall sinus health. Neti pots can be used every day, and up to four times a day safely.
If, when using the neti pot, the flow of water is blocked or trickles from the nostril, it could be causing damage by water backing up into the ears or pooling the nasal cavities. Moreover, if you experience burning sensations or pain when irrigating, discontinue use as it may not be safe to continue treatment with the neti pot.
The neti pot uses a measured saline solution that is important to get right to ensure safety in regular and frequent use. The pots are designed similar to that of a teapot and work with gravitational pull to process the saline water in one nostril and out the other, this is known as the sideways technique. The backward technique works in the same fashion except the solution is pulled through to the throat and out the mouth.
If problems do occur when using the neti pot as previously described, seek advice from a health care provider to ensure there are no anomalies or obstruction in the sinus area. Some people experience sensitivity to saline solutions and daily or extended use may do more harm than good.