Plant Extracts to Cure Post Nasal Drip
Post Nasal Drip Causes
There are a variety of causes of post nasal drip and its associated symptoms, including airborne foreign particles and allergens; dairy products; arid atmosphere; smoke; excessive alcohol; excessive caffeine; disorders of the nose, throat and ears; and the use of oral contraceptives. All of these substances and conditions stimulate the excessive production of mucus in your nasal passages.
Plant Extract Advantages
The use of plant extracts allows you to rely on a product that is all natural, and many plant extracts actually help improve the functions of your immune system. Plant extracts can be used to treat the condition at its source as well as to alleviate the secondary side effects you might experience when you get post nasal drip. If you choose to use plant extracts to alleviate post nasal drip, the process may take a bit longer to treat the condition than the use of over-the-counter or prescribed medications.
Cinnamon Extract
Cinnamon has long been considered a remedy to help alleviate symptoms associated with the common cold, and the plant contains a tremendous amount of antioxidants. Cinnamon is also a plant that has antimicrobial properties, which give it the ability to fend off infections and to help in the body's defense against viruses. Two 125 mg cinnamon extract capsules can be consumed first thing in the morning every day with an eight-ounce glass of water until your post nasal drip symptoms subside.
Thyme Extract
Thyme extract helps to loosen up the excessive mucus in the back of the throat. Thyme is also good for treating infections of the throat. Thyme extract can be consumed up to five times a day after mixing thirty drops of the liquid with a glass of water.
Nursing women, pregnant women, children, and the elderly should consult a doctor before taking any kind of herbal medicine. Herbs must be used with great care to prevent accidental interactions and overdoses, and if allergic reactions occur, the product should not be used.