Naturopathic Treatment of ADD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a form of ADD that includes the above symptoms as well as constant motion and disruptive behavior. This primarily affects children. There are many naturopathic treatments that can help with ADD and ADHD. These treatments focus on the use of natural agents rather than prescription medication.
Possible causes of ADD are neurological problems, family history, anxiety, oxygen deprivation at birth, lead poisoning, diet and smoking during pregnancy.
Scientists believe that all forms of ADD share a common factor of coordination failure within the brain. When processing and focusing on certain information from the outside world, particular parts of the brain activate while others are inhibited. A part of the brain called locus ceruleus is the region where these signals are passed to the various parts of the brain. This information is transmitted through a chemical messenger known as norepinephrine. Anything that goes awry during this process can result in ADD. Excess sugar and inflammation from allergies are just two things that can compound the coordination problem.
Herbal Treatments
The following herbs have been used to treat ADD. Doses are for adults unless otherwise listed. (Herbs specifically listed for children should be given in the doses suggested. Any other herbs not specifically indicated for adults only should be given in one-fourth the amount for children under age 6 and half the amount for children 6 to 12.)
Avena can alleviate sadness and mild depression in adults. Its properties are similar to those of opium, which account for its calming effect. Avena is not related to opium, however, and is much milder. Avena also can ease withdrawal symptoms from Ritalin, a drug commonly used to treat ADD. Take 10 drops of tincture in one-quarter cup of water daily.
Brahmi is a principal herb of Indian medicine and has a long history of use as a brain tonic. It improves attention span and retention of new information. Take 300 mg once a day.
Chamomile tea relieves allergies, inflammation and insomnia. Drink 1 cup once or twice daily.
Gingko improves brain function, memory and concentration. It should be used only by adults. Take 180 mg three times a day.
Hawthorn is a useful herb for children that stops acting out, anxiety and unrest. It also halts inflammation caused by allergies. Children may take 3 to 5 grams in capsule form daily.
Valerian root eases anxiety. Use a liquid extract mixed in juice as directed on the label. Drink this twice a day.
A combination supplement containing lemon balm and valerian induces sleep and relaxes muscles without daytime drowsiness. Take 240 mg 45 minutes before bed.
Grapeseed or pinebark extract is a natural and mild antidepressant that can ease hyperactivity. Choose one or the other as they have the same effect. Take 20 mg in tablet form for every 20 lbs. of body weight.
Passionflower tea is a calming agent. Drink 1 cup twice daily.
Scutelleria stops allergic reactions. Take 1,000 to 2,000 mg three times a day.
The traditional Chinese formula Rehmannia Six Combination maintains brain chemical function in both children and adults.
Precautions on Herbal Treatments
Avoid chamomile if you have an allergy to ragweed. Gingko should not be used if taking blood-thinning medication. Do not use scutellaria if you have diarrhea. Do not use the Chinese formula if you have an estrogen sensitivity disorder such as breast cancer, endometriosis or fibrocystic breasts.
It's always a good idea to discuss the use of supplements or alternative treatments with your doctor. For help in locating a naturopathic physician, see the Resources section, below.
Other Suggestions for Adults
Adults should use 250 mg of magnesium at night and 800 international units of vitamin E daily to alleviate cramps that can disrupt sleep. An Italian study published in a 1995 edition of Experimental Brain Research found that moderate exercise by adults for 30 minutes a day reduced brain excitability by 40 percent.
Ayurvedic breathing exercises such as pranayama can be helpful. To perform this exercise, inhale deeply through the left nostril while gently pressing the right nostril closed with your fingers; then and exhale through the right with the left closed. Then reverse, inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left. Repeat the series a minimum of 10 times for no longer than 10 minutes.
Other Suggestions for Children
Be sure that children with ADD eat three balanced meals daily. Children with this disorder may forget to eat and hunger can worsen certain symptoms like unruly behavior and trouble concentrating. Avoid sugar; it negatively impacts children with ADD since they do not digest it normally. Do not allow children to consume soft drinks of any kind. They contain phosphates, which interrupt proper distribution of calcium and magnesium, which can lead to excessive muscle activity.
Identify allergens and avoid them. Many common allergens that have been identified in children with ADD include blue, red and yellow food dyes, citrus fruits, cow's milk, grapes, peanuts and tomatoes. Adults also can benefit from these dietary suggestions.