Alternative Treatments for Graves' Disease
Herbal Treatments
Bugleweed tablets alleviate increased perspiration, fatigue, insomnia, nervousness and irritability. Take as directed on the label. Motherwort tea eases heart palpitations. Drink three cups daily.
Several Chinese formulas are used to treat Graves' disease. The formula Eight Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia stops excessive sweating. Gentia Longdancao Decoction to Drain the Liver is useful if one is experiencing symptoms of irritability and short temper. It is especially helpful for women with shortened periods. Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction treats anxiety, irritability, insomnia and weight loss.
Herbs that stimulate the immune system should be avoided. They include aloe, American ginseng, astragalus, bamboo, burdock, chrysanthemum, echinacea, ginger, ginseng, lemon balm, Siberian ginseng and wheat grass.
Herbs and pharmaceuticals are assigned suggested doses based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that provides any medicinal benefit to the largest dose that is safe for consumption. Do not take more than suggested.
Other Suggestions
Take 200 to 600 international units of vitamin E daily. It shields the lining of the heart cells from free radical damage. A study published in the March 1997 "Journal of Experimental Biology" found that this vitamin stabilized the heart rate and prevented arrhythmias in animals with hyperthyroidism. For those who experience eye problems, cold compresses can relieve discomfort. Protruding eyes are more vulnerable to UV rays and light. Sunglasses that wrap around the head are especially good because they block out wind, which is another potential irritant.