The Advantages of Nano Silver Treatment for AIDS
HIV is believed to be the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Combinations of strong pharmaceutical drugs are often prescribed to delay or prevent the onset of the disease in HIV-infected patients. At the same time, several less risky alternative treatments have been explored, including the use of tiny nano particles of silver suspended in water. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter.-
Silver has a long history of use in medicine and fighting bacteria. As early as 1000 B.C. it was known that water resists biological contamination if stored in silver vessels. The Macedonian soldiers of Alexander the Great pressed silver onto open wounds to prevent infection and speed healing. American pioneers placed a silver dollar in their milk jugs to keep it fresh longer. In the invasion of Iraq, U.S. troops used gauze bandages lined with silver. Colloids of nano-sized silver particles can deliver the benefits of silver directly to the cells of AIDS patients.
The primary benefit of nano silver, as opposed to other colloidal silver preparations, is increased surface area of the smaller particles, which boosts their reactivity. Perhaps even more importantly, the small size of the particles prevents them from becoming lodged in internal tissue, and creating toxicity or discoloration.
The way nano-silver helps in AIDS treatment is that it interferes with the ability of the HIV-virus to bond to host cells and thus replicate itself. Researchers believe this is because the tiny silver particles bond to the gp120 lipoprotein on HIV-1. The size of the particles are considered important because none of the particles that effectively inhibited HIV in the leading study were larger than 10 nanometers.
It is often claimed that nano silver has beneficial effects on the human immune system. While it's true that most people who take nano silver report improved health and strong immune function, the direct connection between nano silver and the immune system remains elusive. It is likely, instead, that the silver particles reduce the workload of the immune system by combating bacteria and viruses the body's natural defenses would otherwise have to confront.
Colloids of nano silver are crystal clear, like the water with which they're made, and cannot be harmed by direct light as other colloids can. Also, the extremely small size of the silver particles allows them to remain permanently in suspension, never separating out or needed to be shaken.