Food Remedies for Cold Sores
Eating yogurt can help fend off cold sores. Yogurt contains acidophilus bacteria which helps control the inflammation of the virus..
The pain of cold sores can be relieved by using ice. Pain can be reduced at the first sign of tingling by using three or four ice cubes in a damp cloth and rubbing the area lightly. Ice should be applied for five to 10 minutes every hour.
The tannic acid in tea brings antiviral properties. Black tea especially has a high concentrate of tannic acid. Most tea bags placed on infected areas will help reduce development and pain.
Lemon Balm
The oils contained in lemon balm help inhibit the growth of cold sores. Lemon balm is a native plant from southern Europe and northern Africa. The oils contained in lemon balm have antiviral capabilities. Lemon balm is most often found in lotions and teas.
Spicy Foods
Avoiding spicy and acidic foods can help avoid cold sore flare-ups. Spicy foods and drinks that contain acid can lead to flare-ups and can also increase the pain if a cold sore is already present.