How to Cure Common Fingernail and Toenail Fungus Naturally
Essential Oils
Several oils have anti-fungal properties that help kill bacteria and facilitate healing. Tea tree oil tends to do double duty, making it an alternative treatment for all sorts of ailments, including athlete's foot, scabies, acne, ringworm and fungal infections of the nail. Other oils, like lavender, have the added benefit of giving one a general sense of well-being thanks to relaxing and pleasing aromas. Apply oil twice a day and allow it to soak under the nail, continuing the treatment for at least three months. Up to 60 percent of sufferers see improvement after six months.
Thanks to its acidic content, vinegar is a natural and inexpensive home remedy that can be used for everything from deodorizing to fighting bacteria. For nail fungus, the Mayo Clinic suggests a vinegar soak with one part vinegar to two parts water. Soak the nail for 15 to 20 minutes and then dry thoroughly. It should be gentle enough to use daily, but if you experience irritation, aim instead for three times a week.
Hydrogen Peroxide
The human body produces hydrogen peroxide in order to fight infection. As such, that inexpensive bottle you can find in any drug store has been a go-to remedy for generations to ward off bacteria. Dilute the peroxide with water to make it gentler for your body and then soak for five minutes. You can do this daily or include it with another therapy such as a vinegar soak on alternating days.
While home remedies help keep down the cost of conventional medicine, they should never take the place of advice from your own medical professional. For some patients, a fungal nail infection can result in serious complications. Discuss with your doctor what options you have for treating your nails, especially if you have risk factors like an impaired immune system or medical conditions like diabetes.