How to Know Which Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy
Most people think that because herbs are natural, there's nothing to worry about. But this isn't the case; there are plenty of herbs that should be absolutely avoided during pregnancy. For example, herbs like rosemary are dangerous because they can stimulate uterine contractions.
In this article I will give you the basics on how to know which herbs to avoid during pregnancy.
Evaluate the herbs you have in your spice cabinet and in your medicine cabinet. You'll want to research every single one of these, just to be safe.
Check your multivitamin. Some include herbal remedies, and once you get pregnant the herbs contained in them may not be suitable.
Having a set of resources at your disposal is key. You can easily do research on the Internet. I've also included a link in Resources below, which has a list of herbs to avoid. Some herbs on this list include: Borage oil, comfrey, angelica, dong quai, horsetail, mugwort, uva ursi and yarrow.
If you love taking herbal medicine, you may also want to consult with a midwife and an herbalist for the best herbs to take during pregnancy and those to avoid. But don't just take their suggestions to heart--research them as well.
Let your doctor know about any herbal remedies you are taking. In fact, if you decide to use a midwife as well, make sure your midwife and doctor work well together.