How to Do a Safe Spring Cleanse
The body is not dirty. It has the capabilities for taking care of its own elimination. The organs and body systems are designed to keep the body running smoothly.
However, I do think that the body needs a boost now and then. Yes, the body is not dirty. Yes, the body gets rid of toxins on its own. But things can get backed up, especially during the winter when we eat heavy foods and don't exercise as much as we do in warmer weather.
That's why the body often needs a boost in the spring. In this article I will offer some steps for changing your diet and lifestyle--as well as incorporate gentle herbs to help transition your body from winter to spring.
Things You'll Need
- Plenty of water
- Bitter foods such as dandelion greens, artichokes, asparagus, and other spring greens
- Exercise
- Herbs that promote liver health such dandelion leaf
Make sure you are getting the right amount of water for your body size and activity level. This is usually around 8 cups of water a day, give or take. Your body needs enough water to function at its best. Make sure the water is clean and filtered.
Notice how the produce that is in season in the spring is often bitter? That's because bitter foods activate the digestive system and help the liver, which is a key step to helping the body get rid of excess weight that was put on during the winter. Eat a serving or two of this kind of food each day.
Get more exercise than you did during the winter. No matter what your routine is, add more activity to it. Try walking outdoors for an extra 30 minutes. This will not only help you burn extra calories, but also connect you with the changes the earth is going through.
Take an herb that is good for the liver. Your best bet is to use a fairly gentle one like dandelion leaves, which can be eaten fresh or taken as a tea in its dried form or milk thistle, which you can take as a capsule (just follow the package instructions).