Dry Mouth Alternative Remedies
Sugar Elixir
A major cause of dry mouth is dehydration. If dehydration is the cause of dry mouth, it is important to restore the electrolytes in the body. A sugar elixir can help by mixing 1 tsp. salt, ½ tsp. baking soda and 1 tbsp. sugar into a cup of water, and add lemon or honey for flavor.
Celery is waterlogged, and munching on these for a snack can help relieve dry mouth by restoring the saliva in the mouth.
Liquid Food
When dealing with dry mouth, there won't be much saliva in the mouth. Try adding liquids to foods such as gravy, sauce, broth, butter or yogurt.
If you are having problems with bad breath associated from dry mouth, parsley can help relieve both. Parsley acts as a breath freshener and has iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C to help relieve dry mouth.
Drink at least 8 8-oz. glasses of water every day to deal with dry mouth and prevent it from getting worse. It doesn't matter if you drink tap water or bottled. Cut back on coffee, soda, and tea and stick with water to help relieve dry mouth.