Hair Growth Vitamins for Men

According to the American Hair Loss Association, by the age of 35, 2/3 of American men will experience some form of hair loss. This is never an easy thing for a man to deal with. If you happen to be one of those men who are suffering from hair loss, there are some vitamins that might be able to help you maintain what you do have and even prevent further loss from occurring.
  1. Function

    • The intention of hair loss vitamins for men is to stop and slow hair loss, strengthen hair follicles, and promote new hair growth.

    B Complex

    • The B complex vitamins can be found in supplement form and also in foods like beans, legumes, whole grains, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.


    • The antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin A and beta carotene. They can be found in supplement form and also in foods like citrus fruits, leafy greens, yams and carrots.

    Amino Acids

    • Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Protein is what hair is actually made out of. Amino acids can be found in meat, fish, dairy products and tofu.

    Trace Minerals

    • Some trace minerals are known for healthy hair. These include silica, zinc, iodine and iron. They can be found in supplement form and also sea vegetables, seafood, baby spinach and eggs.

    Essential Fats

    • Essential fatty acids are beneficial to the body and hair. Omega 3s are one of these fatty acids. They can be found in supplement form and also in cold water fish and flax seeds.

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