How to Use Home Remedies to Treat Bunions
Things You'll Need
- Epsom salts Warm water Heating pad Ice Sling pads or toe spacers
Wear running shoes while you are experiencing a bunion flare up. Running shoes have more room for the toes and a softer cushion than high heels or boots. High heels are the absolute worst shoes a person with bunions can wear and are usually the cause for bunions for women.
Soak your foot or feet in warm water with Epsom salts mixed in it. Epsom salts help ease the pain and inflammation caused by the bunion. Epsom salts are a great remedy for other leg and foot pain as well because Epsom salts soften the skin.
Apply a heating pad to your foot to increase blood flow to the foot. By increasing the blood flow, this helps relieve inflammation and eases the pain caused by the bunion.
Apply an ice pack to the foot with the bunion. Ice can relieve inflammation like heat does. Leave the ice pack on for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Remove after the 10 to 15 minutes and leave off for a few minutes to allow your foot to warm up some. If you have circulation problems in your feet or if you have diabetes, do not use ice for any kind of foot problem.
Wear sandals if you can. Sandals are easier on your feet and take the pressure off of the bunion. It is better to actually go barefoot when you are at home to let your feet breath and allow it to heal, but if you cannot go barefoot then wear sandals.
Place sling pads or toe spacers in between the big toe and the second toe to take pressure off of the big toe. Buy sling pads or toe spacers from the drug store, over the counter.
Massage the foot with the bunion to ease the pain and inflammation.
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