How to Break A Fever
Drink plenty of fluids, including water and fruit juices diluted with water. When you're sick and you have a fever, there's a good chance you'll have no appetite. To continue to get the necessary nutrition to speed up the healing process, drink food-replacement supplements, if you can keep them down, to replace normal daily meals.
Remove excess clothing to help reduce the fever. Excess clothing may keep you too warm and hinder the fever from lowering to a normal level. One layer of clothing, along with a cool environment, will make the fever symptoms more tolerable. If you start shivering, use a light blanket.
Drink a cup of warm ginger tea. This may help reduce the effects of the fever and is a traditional remedy. Slice or grate fresh ginger and simmer it in a cup of water for two to three minutes. Add sugar or honey to sweeten. Not enough scientific evidence exists to determine the effectiveness of this method of fever reduction. Consult a physician before attempting to self-treat with herbs.
Get plenty of rest. Take the needed time off from work or school. Moving around can heat up the body, and when you have a fever, you want to make it easy for your body to cool down.