How to Get Rid of Muscle Knots Spasms
Things You'll Need
- stretching
- exercise
- water
I would regularly get muscle knots and spasms in my upper back, next to my shoulder blades, that would be so painful that I couldn't sleep or work. Eventually, I was able to rid myself of muscle knots and spasms by incorporating three things into my life.
Stretch. Every morning, take the time to stretch your body and warm up as soon as you wake up. Start with deep breathing with your arms stretched out in front of you. Inhale with your palms turned upward, then exhale with your palms turning downward. Do this a few times, filling your lungs completely and exhaling completely. Also stretch your arms by placing your arms, one at a time, straight across your chest while using the back of your other hand to press your arm against your chest while exhaling deeply. Do this for both arms. Finally, while laying on your back, stretch your hamstrings by bringing your knee to your chest, and stretch the front of your thighs by pulling your feet backward towards your back.
Exercise. Get moderate exercise to keep your body in shape. Exercise by playing sports, running, walking, swimming, gardening, yard work, or any physical activity to work out your muscles. Body weight exercises like pushups, squats and crunches are good for an overall body workout.
Water. This is the secret weapon of the trio discussed here. I didn't believe it when it was first taught to me, but drinking enough water is the key. Drinking 8 cups of water a day will help to flush your body of toxins, including excessive salt. First thing in the morning (after your stretching), drink 16 fluid ounces of pure fresh water. Within 2 hours, you should start to feel the difference. Continue drinking water throughout the day until you drink your 8 cups a day.