How to Use Alternative Treatments for an Abscess
An abscess is an infected area of the skin that has been walled off by the body so the infection stays in one location. This is a survival mechanism the body uses to protect itself from widespread infection. Such areas can cause pain, pressure and irritation, and appear red or dark pink. The symptoms will not be relieved until the infection is expelled through the skin. An abscess can be a signal of a deeper-rooted problem in the body. If you are prone to this condition, you could have a weak immune system, poor nutrition, bowel infection or diabetes. There are many alternative avenues of treatment designed to heal your body of abscesses.Instructions
Supplement your diet with zinc and vitamin C, two substances that are known to stimulate the immune system. Because of a possible bowel infection associated with the abscess, some health care professionals prescribe a vitamin C flush, which means taking high doses of this vitamin, to the point of bowel tolerance. Adding vitamins A and E to your diet will contribute to healing the abscess after the infectious substance has been removed.
Make a compress for your abscess. Chinese medicine believes abscesses are caused by an overabundance of body heat, which may be caused by infection. A compress is made from the herbs chamomile, sage or thyme to draw out the heat of the abscess and relieve pain. Change the compress three to four times a day.
Use lachesis as a homeopathic treatment if your abscess has a bluish/purplish color. Professional homeopaths believe that abscesses may be a symptom of some other, more acute ill in the body. The homeopathic treatment is to introduce an extremely diluted substance that would produce the same symptoms in a healthy person. This removes the toxic effect of the original malady.
Change your diet. If you eat a lot of junk food that consists of white flour, white sugar, fatty foods, fried foods and simple carbohydrates, you must reduce or eliminate them. Eat lean meats, vegetables, fruits and whole grains and nuts, and you will shortly see an improvement in your body's production of abscesses.
Inhale essential oils. These oils are very concentrated; therefore, you only need a few drops on a cloth. Place them on your pillow at night so you can inhale them while you sleep. The essential oils that are helpful for abscesses are clary sage, lavender, patchouli, rose and rosewood. A compress may also be made from these essential oils; however, remember to dilute them by adding only a drop or two to a cup of water.
Take an herbal remedy for your abscess. Herbs that have been shown to be helpful in remedying abscesses include burdock, German chamomile, slippery elm and wild yam. These substances are generally safe, with no side effects. However, the amount you use should be prescribed by a health-care professional.
Drink a small amount of water containing the essence of poke root or dagger hakes. They can sometimes be found in a cream form, so you can rub them directly onto the abscess. Flower essences heal on the emotional and mental level, their vibrations conforming to the idea that illness is a symptom of a negative belief system.