How to Treat Heat Exhaustion Using Home Remedies
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Apple cider vinegar
- Raspberry or peppermint tea
- Cold cloth
- Gatorade
- Leafy vegetables
- Bananas
- Whole grain foods
- Nuts
- Cool clothing
- Cold spray bottle
- Ice
- Bandanna or sweatband
Drink plenty of fluids such as water and Gatorade to keep your body cool and prevent dehydration. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water to replace electrolytes and minerals. Use cool water, not ice cold water.
Drink raspberry tea or peppermint tea to cool your body down from the heat. Raspberry and peppermint tea helps cool your body down as well as keep you hydrated.
Place a cool cloth on the back of your neck, your forehead, or your wrists to cool your body down fast. Your head holds most of the heat from your body, so it is the best place to put a cool cloth. The cool cloth on your forehead or neck will cool your body down fast and help you feel better. Do not use ice cold water for the cloth, since ice cold water can put you into shock.
Wear thin, cool clothing such as a thin T-shirt and pants to prevent heat exhaustion. Light-colored clothing is best when it is hot outside, since dark-colored clothing holds heat. Also, cotton clothing is a better option than polyester, because cotton allows air in.
Spray yourself with a cool spray bottle to keep yourself cool in hot weather. It is important to keep your body cool to prevent heat exhaustion in the first place.
Place a bag of ice on your head to cool your body down. When your head is cooled down, the chilled blood circulates and will cool the rest of your body. Another good way to cool your body down is by wearing a bandanna or sweatband. It is best to wear a bandanna or sweat band on your head when exercising to keep your body from overheating.
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