How to Massage Away a Hangover
Find a quiet dark place to relax and be comfortable. Take off your glasses.
Sit or lie down. Breathe deeply until you feel relaxed. If you’re relaxed, the massage will be more effective.
Lift your hands, with fingers extended, up to your face with your lower palms underneath your cheekbones. Press lightly upward on your cheekbones.
Lay your fingers down over your forehead with the underside of your fingers touching your eyebrows. Keeping your hands pressed against your face, start making small circles with your hands. Continue 1 to 2 minutes.
Bring your hands to the side and place your index and middle fingers on your temples. Using slight pressure on your temples, make slow, small circles with your fingers, each lasting a few seconds. Do this 1 to 2 minutes.
Keep your fingers against your temples and place your thumbs on your upper jaw just below your cheekbones. Allow your jaw to relax and slowly move thumbs downward, stretching between your temples and jaw.
Put hands behind your neck and, using moderate pressure, move your fingers in small circles around the base of your skull. Start in the middle and move out toward your ears. When you reach the bumps behind your ears, move back to the middle and begin again. Do it three times.
Use the forefinger and thumb of one hand to pinch the skin between the forefinger and thumb of the other hand close to the finger base. Pinch it about a minute with moderate pressure. Switch hands and do the same.
Place your hands on your ribs and curl your fingers underneath them applying pressure with your middle fingers. Hold about a minute. It’s okay to keep breathing.
Lower hands away and locate the large bumps on the outside of your lower knees. Using your thumbs, apply pressure just below them for about 2 minutes.