How to Treat High Blood Pressure With Natural Remedies

High blood pressure is an ongoing problem for many people. In the U.S., it is one of the leading factors in a score of health problems. High blood pressure is directly related to stroke, heart disease, bone disorders, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and more. Close to 100,000 deaths are reported each year in America due to high blood pressure-related ailments. High blood pressure is medically treated with prescription drugs, however, dietary and lifestyle changes often prove to be just as effective. Treating high blood pressure with natural and herbal remedies is relatively simple. Read more for help.

Things You'll Need

  • Herb guide
  • Book of food counts
  • Food items (See Steps)
  • Dietary and herbal supplements (See Steps)
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  1. Diet and Nutrition

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      Go on a 24-hour detoxification program as soon as you are diagnosed with high blood pressure. Such a plan will help you rid your systems of toxins that may be built up in your system. A 24-hour detox is quite simple and involves a natural liquid diet for one day. Click on the link below to see the eHow article, "How to Use the 24 Hour Detoxification Plan."

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      Remove all fast food, fatty food, dishes high in refined sugar and caffeine from your diet. Also, avoid hard alcohol. These agents slow body function down and cause many bodily systems, mainly the cardiovascular system, to become overloaded. It is important to your blood health that all toxins be flushed from the body. Replace these foods with dishes such as bran, kefir, sprouts, raisins, baked potatoes, brown rice and baked fish.

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      Drink a 12-ounce glass of carrot juice with breakfast and lunch. Carrot juice, aside from being a wonderful source of vitamin A, is also rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B complex.

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      Drink one 12 oz. glass of potassium juice between meals. Potassium acts as a cleansing tonic when ingested as a liquid. Creating a potassium juice involves juicing carrots, celery, spinach, parsley and sea greens. If you don't have a juicer, simply mix a 2 oz. of Noni juice with an 8 oz. glass of spring water. Noni juice can be purchased from most health food stores. There are several brands of Noni on the market. It is important to buy pure Noni juice. Noni made by Tree of Life is among the top pure brands.

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      With dinner, drink a 12 oz. glass of apple juice. Mix in 1 packet of sun chlorella granules. Chlorella is rich in essential vitamins and calories. It is very effective in fighting infection and removing toxins from the body. Many cancer patients use chlorella granules to treat their disease. Chlorella granules can be purchased at most health food stores and online.

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      Consider herbal calmers. Herbs often work immediately if you are having symptoms of high blood pressure. Kava kava, valerian root extract and ashwagandha, to name a few, are sold in capsules and often bring relief from anxiety and hypertension within minutes. Anxiety and hypertension are often the root of high blood pressure. Herbal supplements can be taken daily, however, some contain side effects. Consult a health food store professional or herbalist if you have any questions. If you are unable to obtain kava kava, valerian or ashwagandha, drink a cup of chamomile tea as needed. Chamomile is a mild, but effective relaxant that will help the rest of your body ease itself from tension.

    Body Care and Exercise

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      Consider a safe and natural weight loss program if you are overweight. Excess body weight can cause many health problems, including high blood pressure.

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      Take a brisk walk at least twice week. While walking, concentrate on doing deep breathing exercises. Breathe in slowly and deeply. Hold your breath for 3 to 5 seconds. Exhale slowly. Breathing exercises can be done at any time of the day.

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      Do mind relaxation exercises often. High blood pressure can be caused by the simplest of life's stresses and pressures. Take at least 30 to 60 minutes each to relax and meditate.

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      Consider getting a chiropractic adjustment at least once a week or as directed. A misaligned body is often associated with many health conditions, including high blood pressure.

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