How to Make a Homemade Gong
Things You'll Need
- Metal pie tin
- Drill
- Craft paint
- Paintbrushes
- Black cord
- Large metal or wooden spoon
- Old rags
- Tape or string
Clean the pie plate you plan to use for your gong. You can use any flat, round, metal object that you like. Large metal lids from popcorn tins work well, as do decorative metal plates or platters. As long as it is flat and relatively round it will work.
Drill two holes in the sides of your gong. You want to drill one hole on each side about 1/3 of the way from the top of the plate, and 1-2 inches from the edge. This will provide you with a way to hang your gong up later on.
Thread a piece of black cord or string through one hole, around the back of the gong, and through the hole on the other side. Pull the cord or string until you have two equal pieces that are about 1-2 feet in length above the gong, and cut them. Tie the two ends of the cord or string together to form a knot.
Cover a large metal or wooden spoon with an old rag, and secure it with tape or string so that it won't slip off. This will make the mallet that you can hit your gong with. If you have a very large gong, then you may need to add an extra rag or two to your spoon to soften the sound of the gong.
Hang your gong up by the string you tied to it, and enjoy playing it with your homemade mallet. Visit the resource below for more information on gongs.