How to Treat Cold Sores Using Home Remedies

Cold sores are irritating, can make you self-conscious, and there is no cure. They are very contagious, and one will most likely get cold sores from a herpes virus, also known as the herpes simplex virus. It's a possibility that one got a cold sore by a relative that kissed them when they were little, while the relative's herpes virus was active. Men and women get cold sores, and even though there is no cure, cold sores can be treated and prevented. When one gets a cold sore they will experience redness around the mouth area and an itchy and tingly feeling. One may even wish it away. Cold sores cannot be wished away, but they can be treated with home remedies.

Things You'll Need

  • Ice
  • Lysine
  • Cotton swab
  • Mouthwash
  • Tea tree oil
  • Plain flavored lip balm
  • Benadryl
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Fingernail polish remover
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Ointments containing zinc
  • Zinc
  • Witch hazel
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Vitamins A, B, and C
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  1. Using Home Remedies to Treat and Prevent Cold Sores

    • 1

      Take one ice cube and set it against the cold sore until it is melted. This can cause the area to be a little painful at first, but will be worth it to get rid of the ugly, painful cold sore. Then take a towel and dab the cold sore to dry it. After that take a cotton swab and dab the cotton swab in rubbing alcohol immediately after dabbing the cold sore dry. Do this for 30 minutes to an hour and by the next morning the cold sore will be gone. Yes, the rubbing alcohol will sting a little.

    • 2

      Take a tube of plain flavored lip balm and a capsule of Benadryl. Break open the capsule of Benadryl and sprinkle it on top of the plain flavored lip balm. Take your finger and rub the top of the lip balm to make a paste from the Benadryl and apply it to the cold sore. This should dry the cold sore up on the first day and within three days the cold sore will be completely gone.

    • 3

      Take Lysine as soon as you feel the tingle of a cold sore coming on. Use the Lysine three times a day and this should prevent the cold sore from developing in the first place. Lysine can be found at any drug store, health food store, or grocery store in the vitamin aisle.

    • 4

      Take a tube of plain flavored lip balm and a capsule of Benadryl. Break open the capsule of Benadryl and sprinkle it on top of the plain flavored lip balm. Take your finger and rub the top of the lip balm to make a paste from the Benadryl and apply it to the cold sore. This should dry the cold sore up on the first day and within three days the cold sore will be completely gone.

    • 5

      Replace your toothbrush. If you get cold sores often, your toothbrush can keep the herpes virus for days after your cold sore is gone, which in turn will re-infect you.

    • 6

      Move your toothbrush to another room. Toothbrushes are supposed to be kept in the bathroom but if you get cold sores often, just by keeping your toothbrush in another room can keep cold sores away and prevent them. The reason for this is because wet and moist places like the bathroom are nice and cozy environment for the herpes virus.

    • 7

      Switch to a small tube of toothpaste, and your own personal tube of toothpaste. Switching to a smaller more personal size tube of toothpaste is a good idea because toothpaste can transmit disease. Think about how often you put your toothbrush on the end of the tooth and then stick it in your mouth. Not only that, but if you share toothpaste with someone else who has cold sores, you will be getting cold sores more frequently since cold sores are highly contagious. By switching to a smaller tube of toothpaste you will remember to replace it more often.

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