How to Relieve Toothaches Using Home Remedies
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Dental floss
- Whiskey
- One ice cube
- Cloves or clove oil
- Listerine mouthwash
Take a mouthful of lukewarm water and rinse your mouth with it. Rinse as long and as much as you can because if the toothache is caused by food that is trapped in your tooth, the water should be able to get it out.
Use your dental floss and floss your teeth gently. If rinsing your mouth out with the water doesn't work and if it is caused by trapped food like popcorn, flossing gently in between the teeth will get the food out and relieve your toothache.
Take a shot of whiskey and hold it in your mouth near the tooth that hurts. By holding it on the painful tooth the alcohol will numb it and relieve the toothache. Hold it in your mouth for several seconds to minutes, as long as you can stand it, and spit out the rest.
Measure one teaspoon of salt into an 8-ounce glass of water and rinse your mouth with it after each meal and before bed time. Try to keep the water at body temperature, hold the rinse in your mouth for several seconds to minutes and spit it out.
Take one ice cube and massage your hand with it. Rub the ice into the V shaped area of your open palm. Do this for 5 to 7 minutes and it will ease the pain by 50 percent.
Dab some clove of oil on a cotton ball and put on the sore tooth. You can also just put some on your finger and gently rub onto the tooth. You can buy Clove of oil at most drug stores. You can also just chew regular cloves.
Gargle with Listerine mouth wash. Hold it in your mouth near the sore tooth for several seconds to minutes.
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