How to Use Home Remedies for Constipation
Things You'll Need
- Prunes
- Apricots
- Flaxseed
- Sugarless gum or candy
Drink 4 oz. of prune juice with pulp along with plenty of water. First, drink a glass every morning until you get back to normal, and then cut back to once a week. For those who do not like prunes, use apricots instead. Drink a glass of apricot juice every morning or eat 2 dried apricots every day to relieve constipation.
Grind flaxseed in a blender or food processor and keep small batches of it in the refrigerator. Take 1/2 tsp. every day with a glass of juice or water. Flaxseed keeps well by itself, but once ground, it can go bad quickly, so keep it refrigerated. For those who suffer from constipation quite frequently, keep enough flaxseed in your refrigerator so you won't run out. Another great way to get your daily dose of flaxseed is to sprinkle the ground flaxseed in your breakfast every morning.
Make a solution of flax seed. Simply stir the ground flax seed into 3 qt. of water for 15 minutes. Cool the liquid and strain it. Keep the flax seed solution refrigerated and add 2 oz. every day to fruit juice or water.
Eat 30 pieces of sugar-free candy every day to relieve constipation. Sugar-free candy has an ingredient that can cause diarrhea, and if you do not eat too much, this can ease constipation and keep you regular every day. A good example of sugar-free candy is jelly beans. You can also chew sugar-free gum every, day but the candy works better.