How to Stop Child Bed Wetting With Natural Remedies
Things You'll Need
- Herb guide
- Ingredients for diet changes (See Steps)
- Essential oils (See Steps)
Dietary Changes
Eliminate trigger foods high in acid from your child's diet. Soda pop, chocolate, caffeine, cooked vegetables and cocoa are all trigger foods and can cause a child to lose control of his or her bladder while they sleep. It is also a good idea to refrain from feeding your child junk and spicy foods if they are a bed wetter. Foods high in refined sugar, fats and spices often overload the developing renal system, causing organs to malfunction.
Have your child drink an 8-ounce glass of cranberry juice each morning before eating breakfast. Cranberry juice is a powerful antioxidant that promotes healthy kidney and renal function. It will also help your child wean off of soda pop and other sugary drinks he or she may be accustomed to consuming. For flavor, juice half an apple or add a 1/4 cup of pure apple juice.
Mix 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and have your child drink it with each meal. Apple cider vinegar will help alkalize your child's acid levels so frequent, and often uncontrollable, urges to urinate subside. It will also help break down any calcium deposits in the body.
Feed your child a piece of celery and a glass of water with 3 to 5 drops of valerian extract added two hours before going to bed. The properties in celery help the kidneys and bladder say healthy by regulating the salts in the body. Celery is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, which will help your child's system stay free from unwanted toxins, which often do their parts in causing children to wet the bed. Valerian root is a very powerful calming herb that will naturally help your child's body to relax during periods of sleep. Stop giving your child liquids at least two hours before bed time.
Body Care and Other Therapy
Consider getting a chiropractic adjustment for your child. Contrary to many beliefs, chiropractic care for children is not only helpful, but vital according to many experts. As the body grows, it is sometimes easy for it to become misaligned. This can cause many health conditions in children such as hyperactivity, frequent and prolonged colds, headaches and bed wetting.
Give your child a soothing back rub before they fall asleep. Rub 2 or 3 drops of lavender oil into his or her skin. The aroma will help them relax so they fall asleep comfortably, not just as the result of physical exhaustion.
Take a 20 to 30 minute walk or bike ride with your child once a day for 2 to 3 weeks. Physical activity promotes healthy circulation, which helps the renal system work and grow properly.
Make sure your home environment is as stress-free and comfortable for your child. It is easy for children who wet the bed to become embarrassed by the condition, in fear they will be teased by friends and siblings. Such things can cause additional stress and make the condition worse.
Read your child a lengthy story after you tuck them into bed at night for 2 to 3 weeks. Keep reading even after they've gone to sleep. Replace the story reading with calm words of affirmation, which your child's subconscious will process. Focus on positive imagery and calmness.
Make bed time a routine. Make sure your child goes to bed at relatively the same time each night and he or she has the proper time to naturally fall asleep in a quiet room. Stimulatory distractions such as television, commotion and loud music can cause your child to sleep restlessly, which, in turn, often causes them to wet the bed.
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