How to Prevent or Stop Leg Cramps -Also known as a Charlie Horse
Read on for some old home remedies that really work !
For prevention:
Sleep with a bar of hard milled SOAP in your bed. Wrapped or unwrapped does not seem to matter. Put it down near the bottom where it won't be in the way.
For prevention or relief from the pain of leg cramps:
Press the acupressure point in the indentation between your upper lip and your nose.
For prevention or relief from leg cramps (charlie horse):
Use up to 2 oz. of pickle juice prior to exertion (exercise) or during cramps. Both contain acetic acid which helps the body produce acetalcholine - a neurotransmitter that may be deficient, but which is necessary to help stimulate the muscles to work.
For prevention:
Drink 4-8 oz of tonic water, which contains quinine, before bed for nocturnal cramping. You should notice a difference within several nights; if not, discontinue. Tonic water is not always pleasant. Try adding lemon or a bit of fruit juice to improve flavor.