How to Use Weeds for Medicinal Purposes

Of all the plants on the surface of the Earth, many are considered to be weeds. Unless they possess beautiful flowers or bear fruit to eat, or even provide shade in the sun, we call them weeds, tread them down and pull them up. Primitive cultures retain the knowledge of plants that serve man as medicinal herbs to cure ailments.


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      Realize that primitive culture lore holds a wealth of information of medicinal uses of the native flora. Many of the modern pharmaceutical wonder drugs came from plant finds in the Amazonian rainforests. Even though the primitive cultures may not have had to battle the same diseases that we do in today's world, they knew that the plants held the answers for the ailments of the body.

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      Use dandelion leaves and dried roots to ease problems with the digestion tract. A tea made from the leaves and dried roots provides relief for digestive problems. Lawn owners consider this medicinal plant a weed. They have bright yellow flowers that blossom and spread their seeds on the winds.

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      Understand the medicinal uses of marijuana. Another "weed" to most people, but it not only provides a pain killing effect but also for many centuries provided a livelihood to many cultures as hemp fiber was used to make rope. Even if legal in most countries, possession of the leaves and use of the leaves to smoke is against the law, the plant is still both medicinal and a weed.

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      Examine the row upon row of natural herbs and plant extracts sold in health food stores. Species after species promise to provide relief. These weeds aid many people with their aches, pains and illnesses.

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