How to Use Chelation Therapy for Atherosclerosis
Discuss chelation therapy with your doctor. Ask him whether the therapy and lifestyle changes will reduce your chances of further developing the condition.
Start chelation therapy. Establish a baseline to compare your condition before and after treatment. Knowing what effect the treatment has on your condition is motivation and encouragement to continue on both the lifestyle changes and to keep up on the maintenance dosages of the chelating agent.
Change your lifestyle. You know what areas you need to change to accomplish lasting results. Eating, stress, exercise, smoking and drinking all play their role in the development of the condition. Eating is more involved than just not eating fast foods and trying to eat healthier. You need to change the items on your normal food list. You need to reduce your cholesterol. Altering the composition of your meals and adopting other healthier fare is advisable. These changes will not occur overnight, but with hard work you should be able to make substantial change during the course of treatment. Typical treatment courses last approximately 20 sessions in the doctor's office and for home programs the time will vary.