How to Treat Poison Oak with Herbs
How to Treat Poison Oak with Herbs
Eliminate fried foods and candy if you have poison oak. Fried foods and excess sugar can impede your body's natural ability to rid your blood of the poison that causes the rash. It is important to allow your body to be able to take action on its own in addition to your herbal applications.
Soak a clean wash rag in cider vinegar. Gently rub the rag over infected area and allow to air dry. This will help to stop the itching and help neutralize the toxins in the blisters.
Have one cup of mild jewelweed tea before eating breakfast. Jewelweed is very powerful and will help your body rid itself of the urushiol your bloodstream. Jewelweed can be hard to come by in packaged tea form, however, some health food stores do carry it and most can special order it. Because jewelweed tea acts as preventative agent for Poison Oak, it may be wise to keep it on hand for frequent use. If you cannot find pre-packaged jewelweed tea, it can be made by chopping up the leaves and steeping into a glass of hot water.
Drink 12 oz. of Aloe Vera juice three times a day. Aloe helps sooth your tissues and keep the poison oak blisters from spreading. Aloe Vera juice can be purchased at most health food stores and in the organic sections of most supermarkets.
Take one 125 mg (or as directed) grapefruit seed extract capsule with lunch. Grapefruit seeds have natural antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral qualities. They will also help ease any possible swelling and burning.
Apply a thin coat of oatmeal paste to the rash before going to bed. This will help neutralize the blisters and ease the itching as you sleep.
Hygiene and Body Care
Take a hot bath. Mix 3 tbs. of Epsom salt, 10 drops of peppermint oil and 2 cups of cider vinegar into your bath water. Soak for 20 minutes.
Soak a clean wash rag with water and witch hazel gel and gently apply it to the rash. Allow to air dry. If you don't have witch hazel gel, aloe vera gel is also a soothing topical remedy. If you do not wish to purchase aloe gel and you have a sizeable aloe plant in your home, simply break off a large leaf and squeeze its juice on your wash rag.
Apply a liberal amount of honey paste to the rash after it has dried from the aloe or witch hazel treatment and bath. Honey paste contains raw honey and ground herbs that help heal the skin. Cover the affected area after you have applied honey paste.