How to Use Ginger to Treat Heartburn
Get some ginger. You can use powdered ginger found in an average spice rack, fresh ginger, candied ginger, ginger capsules or liquid ginger.
Add about 500 mg of ginger to food or mix it in a glass of water. Drinking prepared ginger tea may also have the same effect. If you don't have ginger tea, but would still like it's benefits, turn capsules of ginger into a quick substitute by pouring boiled, hot water into a glass, adding two "00" capsules and allowing the water to soak up the ginger.
Consume the ginger and feel the symptoms of heartburn subside. Consider trying a bit more ginger to alleviate your symptoms if they don't improve within half an hour.
Enjoy some candied ginger. Consume an amount equal to your pinky's fingertip. Repeat after 10 minutes have passed if you continue to feel heartburn.
Take ginger about half an hour before each meal to prevent symptoms of heartburn that may present themselves during or right after a meal.