How to Use Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Often, anxiety disorders are complicated with the presence of panic attacks and even various phobias, such as agoraphobia. Because anxiety is closely connected to chemical imbalances in the body, it is often possible to use natural remedies as means of alleviating the symptoms and restoring balance to the nervous system.


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      Have blood work done. Anxiety is often caused by a combination of stress and the resulting deficiencies in various nutrients. Knowing what your body needs to begin recovery is key to bringing about healing.

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      Use vitamins to combat the stress that can lead to anxiety. Several of the B vitamins are helpful with easing the effects of stress, especially thiamin, B3, B6, and folic acid. Interestingly enough, while B12 promotes energy, it also helps the other B vitamins to absorb into the system and spread their calming effect.

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      Add minerals to the mix. Calcium, magnesium, selenium, and zinc deficiencies can all contribute to the development of anxiety. As a bonus, magnesium is thought to help both calcium and thiamin to function more efficiently, which means you could get more effect from taking the supplements.

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      Consider amino acids as a way of dealing with anxiety. Theanine is an amino acid that is present in green tea and is understood to be one of the reasons green tea can be so relaxing. In some parts of the world, theanine is routinely added to soft drinks and even chewing gum to help provide a calming influence.

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      Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Even something as simple as riding a bike or walking at a brisk pace can help to combat anxiety. The activity helps to release dopamine in the system, which produces a sense of well-being in the body.

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      Minimize or eliminate caffeine from the diet. Too many cups of coffee will take you past feeling sharp, all the way to a sense that your grip on reality is tenuous. If you drink several cups of coffee or consume a lot of tea during the day, try cutting back and see if the nervous feelings begin to subside.

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      Get plenty of rest. Without recuperative sleep, the nervous system will not function properly. If you have problems sleeping, try taking thiamin before bedtime or having a relaxing cup of chamomile tea.

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