How to Benefit From Low Dose Naltrexone

Naltrexone is a pharmaceutical drug that was originally formulated as a treatment option for those suffering from opiate addiction. Later on in its history, however, is was also used as a treatment for those suffering from alcoholism. Now, the newest studies are showing that low dose naltrexone is often an effective treatment for HIV/AIDS, autoimmune disorders such as Crohn's disease, and certain types of cancers. How can you benefit from low dose naltrexone if you suffer from such maladies? Read on to find out:

Things You'll Need

  • Time
  • A good medical practitioner
  • Willingness to do some research
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  1. How to Get a Prescription for Low Dose Naltrexone

    • 1

      Determine whether or not the ailment from which you're suffering is something for which low dose naltrexone is an appropriate treatment. Since this is not a standard therapy, it is often difficult to determine whether or not it is indicated. To do so, try meeting with your primary doctor and discussing it, or go to the website listed at the bottom of the page for more detailed information on what disorders seem to respond well.

    • 2

      Schedule an appointment with your physician to discuss the matter.

    • 3

      During your appointment, indicate that you understand that low dose naltrexone is not a standard treatment, but that the research you've conducted has led you to believe that it may be appropriate in your case.

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      Give the doctor copies of any research materials you found on the subject, in order to validate with them the issue and to show them that you've truly done your homework.

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      Begin a low dose naltrexone regimen, taking no more than 10% of what the recommended dosage would be for an individual of your gender and size when used as a treatment for opiate addiction.

    How to Benefit from Low Dose Naltrexone

    • 6

      Take a small dose. This ought to be recommended by your medical professional, but ask your pharmacist to be absolutely sure. For most patients, a 10% dose is indicated in comparison to what would be used to treat an individual of the same weight and age for opiate addiction.

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      Be consistent. Try to take your low dose naltrexone at the same time every day without deviation. This should allow for maximum benefit.

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      Don't miss doses. Missing doses of low dose naltrexone can seriously inhibit the treatment's effectiveness. If you miss a dose, take it at a later time unless your next dose is within the next 8 hours. In that case, skip the first dose altogether and take your next doses as indicated.

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      Follow your doctor's orders. Deviation from your other treatments may seriously inhibit the effectiveness of the low dose natlrexone regimen.

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