How to Stop Your Aches and Pains the All Natural Way
How to Stop Your Aches and Pains the All Natural Way
Taking Ginger root rather than aspirin is a healthy and powerful alternative. If you really prefer aspirin, try all natural White Willow Bark instead, as that is the natural form of the remedy. For Migraine headaches a good natural remedy to try is FeverFew, rather than chemical drugs that can cause more problems than they solve. Take a look around your local health food store and see what natural alternatives are out there on the market. Most vitamin and mineral supplements will tell you on the labels what they are good for.
When you have muscle aches try rubbing some olive oil into the area and just feel the pain drain away. Olive oil is an excellent topical pain remedy and has no side-effects because it is natural and will cause you no harm. It does not hurt to rub it into your forehead if you are experiencing a headache and see if the oil's pain removing properties will have an effect, plus it will moisturize your skin as an added bonus.
Do your research on the topic of natural pain killers and read up on what types of nutrients are needed to create which effect. Check different stores and catalogues for affordable prices. Quite often nutritional supplements will be outrageously expensive, but once in a while you can find a really great sale, such as, two for the price of one sales, and things of that nature. Also, mail-order catalogues usually have better prices than what you will find in the stores so that is an option as well, but be cautious when going that route as quite often, you will have to have a certain amount for your order.
Twisting your ankle is very painful, sometimes resulting in a sprain which can at least partially incapacitate a person for several days. Try a deep tissue massage as soon as the sprain occurs, even before you pick yourself back up to try to walk on it. This will relieve the building pressure and release tension from the pain which usually causes the injury to become worse. It is likely that if this massage is performed before attempting to stand, the pain will be alleviated and the ankle will rapidly feel much better, perhaps even preventing a limp.It is a good idea to use massage for all muscle aches and pains as it will relieve the tension that keeps the pain going in the first place. Deep tissue massage is fundamental for the healing of muscle injury. It can also assist with tension headaches.
Colloidal silver drops in the nose can help with sinus headaches as silver is a natural anti-biotic. Sinus headaches are profoundly painful and debilitating. Finding something natural that works on that pain is very much worthwhile. You can order colloidal silver from health catalogues, buy it in stores that sell nutritional supplements, or even make your own with a few simple devices you can buy on-line.
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