How to End Self Hypnosis
Enter into a hypnotic state using whatever means you find helpful. Some people listen to audio CDs, while others choose to pre-record a script with themselves as narrator. Those who are well versed in self hypnosis can enter a state of relaxation without any auditory assistance. Whichever method you use is fine, as long as you enter into a relaxing hypnotic state. Enjoy your relaxed state of mind until you're ready to end the session.
Draw your hypnotherapy to a close by making a mental note that the session is ending. This mentally prepares your body for the change from the altered state back to a normal state of being.
Envision a change of scenery that involves upward motion. For example, picture yourself rising into the sky slowly in the basket of a hot air balloon. Picture the sky and sun becoming crisp and clear while the ground fades away beneath your feet.
Count yourself out of the session from 3 to 1 while picturing yourself rising in the balloon. Think to yourself, "On number 3 I'm relaxed and calm. It's time to finish this session." Allow the thought to sink in for a few seconds and then, "Number 2, it's time to come more alert. I'm feeling more wakeful now." Breathe deeply once or twice and then think, "I'm coming fully awake, refreshed and alive on 1." You are now out of your hypnotic state.