How to Use Essential Oils for Nerves
Things You'll Need
- Peppermint essential oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Ylang-ylang essential oil
- Handkerchief, silk flowers or ceramic essential oil stick
- Lemon essential oil
- Essential oil diffuser
- Chamomile essential oil
Soothe your nerves, particularly if accompanied by a tension headache, with a few drops of peppermint essential oil. Place a few drops of the oil on your fingertips and gently massage your temples and forehead. Allow the oil to absorb completely as you breathe deeply, helping to calm the nerves and relieve a headache.
Use lavender essential oil anytime you like to help relieve stress and anxiety to give your nerves a break. Lavender is one of the few essential oils which is safe to use full strength on the skin. Massage a few drops onto your wrists, which will not only help to keep you calm, it will keep you smelling fantastic.
Add a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil on a handkerchief, on silk flowers or even specially made ceramic essential oil sticks. Hang your scented object in your car, at your desk at work or on your night stand to help calm the nerves, reduce stress and even relieve insomnia.
Deodorize your home while sniffing your way to calmer nerves. Add 5 drops of lemon essential oil and 1 Tbsp. of water to the glass bowl of an essential oil diffuser. Light the candle underneath the bowl and enjoy the aroma, making sure to add more oil and water as the liquids evaporate.
Take time out for a relaxing bath, particularly helpful to calm the nerves after a long, hard day. Draw a warm bath and add 20 drops of chamomile essential oil. Crawl in, soak for at least 15 minutes and allow the tension to melt away.