How to Convert Serrapeptase IU to MG

Many people are seeking natural alternatives to health care by taking supplements and other natural products. The practice of taking natural products to alleviate daily aches and pains and some minor illnesses is within the right of the patient but should not occur without the discussion with a qualified health care professional. Inflammation is a common problem for people arising from sprains, injuries or illnesses. NSAIDs and other steroidal drugs have side effects that many choose to avoid if possible. Serrapeptase is purported to ease the inflammation in its users. Those that advocate its use discuss dosages in two common forms, mg or IU. Converting between these two units becomes important in purchasing the correct amount.


    • 1

      Identify the amount of serrapeptase you need to take. This information is on the prescription from your health care professional and will be in the form of IUs.

    • 2

      Generate the conversion factor for converting the IUs of serrapeptase into mg of serrapeptase. Serrapeptase is supplied in enteric-coated granules that provide 20,000 IU per 200 mg of serrapeptase.The conversion factor that will convert IUs to mg serrapeptase is 200 mg / 20,000 IU. You can simplify this to 1mg / 100 IU.

    • 3

      Multiply the amount of IUs by the conversion factor of 1/100 to yield the number of mg of serrapeptase you are to take. For example, your health care adviser recommends that you take 25,000 IUs of serrapeptase three times a day for three days. To find the number of mg you should take, multiply 25,000 by the conversion factor, 25,000 IU * 1 mg / 100 IU = 250 mg serrapeptase.

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