How to Cook Eggs With a Stainless Steel Pan
Things You'll Need
- Eggs
- Mixing bowl
- Whisk
- Milk
- Salt
- Pepper
- Skillet
- Spatula
- Oil
Over Easy
Add approximately 1/8 of a cup of vegetable cooking oil to the stainless steel skillet. Turn it on a medium setting, or 350 degrees Fahrenheit on a digital stove top. Give it five minutes to heat up adequately.
Crack a whole egg on the edge of the stainless steel skillet or the edge of your stove. Do this by striking the middle of the egg against a hard lipped surface. Do not strike too hard or the egg will shatter in your hand. Strike just hard enough to crack the eggs. Hold the cracked egg over the skillet and use both hands to pull the shell apart gently, releasing the egg from within. Do this about 4 inches above the skillet so the egg doesn't bust when it lands.
Let the egg sizzle on one side for three minutes. Knock some of the hot cooking oil over top the egg yolk by pushing with the spatula. This aides in cooking the egg so you don't have to flip it over. Alternatively, you can flip it over and cook it for three to four minutes on each side. Slide the spatula beneath the egg and remove it from the pan when it's at the desired texture.
Crack two to six eggs in a mixing bowl, making sure not to get any shells in the bowl.
Add just a dash of milk. For example, if you have added six raw eggs to the bowl, use only 1/8 of a cup of milk. If you're using two eggs, use about 1/24 of a cup. Very small amounts of milk are adequate in adding to the flavor and texture of scrambled eggs.
Sprinkle a little salt and pepper to taste. For example, less than a teaspoon of each seasoning is more than enough for six eggs.
Beat the mixture thoroughly with a wire whisk for up to four minutes, until it results into a frothy mixture.
Turn on the stove to a medium-low setting. Add just a teaspoon of cooking oil to the stainless steel pan.This lubricates it so the scrambled eggs won't stick. Pour the mixture into the pan and let it cook for three minutes, covered. Remove the lid and chop through the solidifying egg mixture with your spatula, turning the egg chunks over. Cover the lid and let it cook for an additional five minutes before turning off the stove. Enjoy!