How do I Make Homemade Salve From a Neem Tree?
Things You'll Need
- Fresh neem leaves
- Paper towel
- Almond, coconut or olive oil
- Sterilized jars with tight lid
- Cheesecloth
- 2 tbsp. beesewax
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 7 drops tea tree essential oil
- Double boiler
- Wooden spoon
- Small glass jar for storing the salve
Making Infused Oil
Harvest your neem leaves and cut them coarsely. These will be used to make the infused oil as the first step in making a salve is to make neem-infused oil. Harvest enough leaves to fill the sterilized jar.
Make sure the leaves are clean. You can wash them and spread them on a paper towel to dry if they need to be cleaned. Neem oil is best when made with fresh plant material.
Pack the leaves in the jar after they are completely dry.
Olive oil is a good carrier oil. Pour a carrier oil of your choice on the leaves very slowly until the jar is filled with the oil. Almond oil, coconut oil and olive oil are excellent carrier oils. Poke the leaves slightly with a spoon or stick so there are no pockets of air in the oil. This will reduce the chances of any mold or mildew.
Tightly screw the lid of the jar and store it in a cool and dry place for six to eight weeks until the neem leaves are completely infused in the oil.
Strain the oil after six to eight weeks using a cheesecloth. Make sure all the oil is strained, leaving behind almost dry leaves.
Pour the oil in a completely dry, sterilized jar and let it sit for several days to let any seeped water from the neem leaves settle to the bottom, leaving behind pure oil.
Pour the oil on top of the jar into another clean sterilized jar separating the oil from the seeped water. You neem oil is now ready to be used for making the homemade neem salve.
Making Neem Salve
Take 2 oz. of the infused neem oil and pour it in a double boiler on low heat.
Add 2 tbsp. of beeswax to the oil. Stir with a wooden spoon until the beeswax is completely melted and the oil and the beeswax are mixed together well.
Neem salve is an excellent way to reduce skin irritation. Pour this mixture into a glass container of your choice.
Add the essential oils when the mixture is still melted. Add 10 drops of lavender oil and 7 drops of tea tree oil or any other essential oil of your choice.
Screw the lid of the salve tightly and let it cool before use.