Why is intermittent catheterization used?
1. Emptying the Bladder: Intermittent catheterization allows individuals with impaired bladder function to empty their bladders regularly. By draining urine at specific intervals, it helps prevent urinary retention and ensures adequate bladder emptying.
2. Preventing Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Incomplete bladder emptying can increase the risk of UTIs. Intermittent catheterization ensures complete bladder drainage, reducing the chances of urine buildup and bacterial growth, thereby lowering the risk of infections.
3. Managing Neurogenic Bladder: Neurogenic bladder, a condition often caused by neurological disorders, affects bladder function. Intermittent catheterization helps manage neurogenic bladder by providing a reliable method for bladder emptying in individuals who have lost voluntary control over their bladder muscles.
4. Avoiding Bladder Damage: Retained urine can lead to increased pressure on the bladder, potentially causing damage. Intermittent catheterization prevents bladder overdistention by regularly draining urine, reducing the risk of bladder damage.
5. Improving Quality of Life: By enabling individuals to control their bladder function and reduce the risk of UTIs, intermittent catheterization can significantly improve quality of life. It allows individuals to maintain a regular daily routine without the worry of urinary incontinence or bladder discomfort.
Intermittent catheterization is often performed several times a day based on individual needs and is often managed by the individual themselves or trained caregivers. While it may initially sound uncomfortable, most individuals adapt well to the procedure and experience improved urinary function and overall well-being with consistent use.